Inflate a white balloon to use as a ghost. Do not tie the end. Have the children release the balloon and try to
catch the ghost before it touches the ground. (CLOSE SUPERVISION WHILE USING BALLOONS)
Draw a jack-o-lantern shape on the outside of a box. Cut out the mouth section. Have the children
decorate the jack-o-lantern using crayons or markers. Players take turns tossing beanbags into the jack-o -lantern's mouth.
Divide the kids into three or four groups. Have six or eight different old shirts, jeans, hats, bandannas and other accessories in a pile. Give groups 15 minutes to assemble their own scarecrow. Stuff with old newspapers or hay. Make the face from a blank pillowcase and markers. Prizes for the scariest, funniest, most authentic and the most likely to scare away crows.
How can I make an easy costume?