"Cramming" is not the right way to use those last few hours before a test or exam. Excercise, believe it or not, puts your body at ease, and relaxes your muscles. It also puts your mind in a positive state. These three components combined will make your body ideal for a test writing situation. So, two hours before your next test, perhaps pruise your notes lightly, then take a one to two kilometer run, or a three to four kilometer bike, then return, take a shower, pruise your notes again for a few minutes, and I guarentee you'll do better on the test -- Good Luck!
Remember this: for projects or for tests, simply reviewing at home won't get you an A! A majority of your studying should be done in the class! When your teacher is showing you how to do something, or teaching a lesson, listen to what he or she is saying, and try to understand. Often on tests, when looking at a question, I remember the answer from something that my teacher said during his lessons. Your teacher would never put something on a test (or expect something on a project) that he didn't teach in class, so listening is a sure bet to getting a good grade!
If you have a test coming up, remember that studying isn't simply breezing over your material lightly, and that it takes more than five minutes. An effective method of studying is to read over your material in full, whether you think you have to or not, and then ask a family member, preferably mom or dad, to ask you some questions based on the facts. Mom and dad are best because they are most likely to ask questions similar to those that the teacher will ask on the test. I find that this is an effective way to study, but remember: you can't study the night before the test and expect to do well, you should review material very lightly every night, and perhaps study longer within a week of the test.
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