Tie 3 feet of string to a wooden spoon. Attach a magnet to the end of the string. Cut and laminate many different colored, and sized fish from construction paper (not too big though). Attach a paper clip to each fishy. Spread the fish on the floor and let your child try to catch them. Have them try to catch the largest or smallest fish. For a twist, label the fish with letters or numbers. Ask the children to catch a specific fish, or ask them which fish they caught.
Great for birthday parties. Make your own fish pond by covering a very large cardboard carton with a sheet and decorate by attaching cut-out paper fish to the sheet. You can usually obtain a large appliance or furniture box, which would be ideal for this purpose, at a furniture store. If you can't get a box just hang a decorated sheet over a doorway. Use a fishing rod or a stick or yardstick with a string tied to it would do. Tie a clothes pin on
the end of the string. Have a helper sitting in the fish pond (cut out top and back of box to allow him to sit in it to attach favors to the clothes pin when each child goes fishing. I use leftover scraps of gift wrap to wrap the little surprises. Children love to unwrap prizes!
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