Lids from a frozen juice can
Any available craft supplies
( wiggle eyes yarn, magnet strips etc.)
When you open up those frozen juice cans, save the lids. They make great quick and easy crafts your little ones can easily do. Here are a few ideas you can use or let them create their own:
FOR HALLOWEEN: use orange felt. Cut It In the shape of a circle to fit inside the juice lid. Add wiggle eyes, cut out shapes for nose and mouth. Add a strip of magnet to the back, and date the back with a permanent marker to make a jack-o-lantern.
FOR NECKLACES OR MEDALS: Add glue and glitter, construction paper, ribbon, or anything else you have on hand. Place the lid on a safe surface and make a hole at the top by gently pounding a nail In the top center add ribbon or string to make the necklace. This is a great idea to make medals for special events/accomplishments in your child's life. (I can tie my shoe, Big Sister, It's my Birthday, I lost a tooth, etc.)
FOR CHRISTMAS: Use a permanent marker and draw a design like a Christmas tree, or candle, etc. Again using a safe surface, pound nail holes around the design, and one In the top center to hang. Hang on Christmas tree In front of a Christmas bulb and the light shines through .are just a few Ideas, but with a little imagination you will find these a great source of fun.
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