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Easter Activity


Easter Pictionary
Easter Basket
Papers with Easter objects written on them
How To Play: Put papers with Easter objects written on them into basket. Divide children into two groups. Flip a coin to see which team goes first. Invite a child from the playing team to approach the chalkboard, draw a slip of paper, and read it to themselves. On your mark, the child should then draw the object in hopes that his/her team members will guess the object on their paper. If the team guesses correctly, before time runs out, they score a point. If the playing team does not guess correctly the other team has five seconds to try to come up with the correct answer. If they guess correctly they score a point and it is their turn to play.
This game can be simplified for young players utilizing words such as: carrot, bunny, candy. Make more difficult for older players by using short phrases: chocolate bunnies taste good, marshmallow chicks are yellow, etc.



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