Read this tip to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Holidays and other Kid topics.
(use small, round chocolate candies like covered peanuts or raisins)
I woke up with such a scare when I heard Santa call...
"Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!
I ran to the lawn and in the snowy white drifts,
those nasty reindeer had left "little gifts".
I got an old shovel and started to scoop
neat little piles of "reindeer poop".
But to throw them away, seemed such a waste,
So I saved them, thinking ~ you might like a taste!
As I finished my task, which took quite awhile,
Old Santa passed by and he sheepishly smiled.
And I heard him exclaim as he rose in the sky ~
"Well, they're not potty trained, but at least they can fly!"