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This tote box is a great project because it has so many uses. Adults may enjoy making some of their own! Remove the lid of a round box (such as a salt or oatmeal carton) and with the point of your scissors punch holes close to the edge of the lid at opposite sides. Cut two holes toward the top of the box at the same places. Tie a large knot at one end of the string, and pull through the hole in the box and then through the hole in the lid. Loop it up, then down through the other hole in the lid and finally through the hole in the box. Tie a large knot at this end also. Paste a large knot of rope or a button in the center of the lid to make it easier to open. The yarn handle enables the carrier to remove the lid without loosing it. It also enables the person to open it without setting it down. Your new tote can be decorated with paper mache, paint or decoupage.



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