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Your child will be upset when a good friend moves away, even if you are the one that's been transferred their feelings will start emerging in a number of ways. Understandably they will be sad and maybe even a bit angry. There are several things you can do to help them work through this anxious time. First make sure you listen to them, they will have questions about how their life may change, or fears that they won't be able to make new friends that are as much fun. Make a plan for keeping in touch with their friend. A weekly letter, e-mail, an occasional phone call, even some summer vacation time will keep good friends together. They can plan a secret code, and correspond in code! Make a puzzle letter by writing your notes on one side of the paper only and cutting it into 4 or 5 pieces before putting it in the envelope. They will have lots to tell each other, after all before they spent all their time together, and now whatever they do will is news to the other! Follow through with their correspondence, by making sure the letters they write are mailed. Take pictures of your child with other mutual friends to send.



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